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There is no COPENHELL without you, and we want nothing more than to give you the optimal festival experience in the best possible conditions – also mentally. Therefore, we have started up COPENHELL’s new Safe & Sound initiative this year.

Safe & Sound is COPENHELL’s newest initative that is aimed at creating a more safe and comfortable festival experience for the guests. With Safe & Sound, we dedicate trained and visible staff to helping festival guests that need it very urgently – those who feel overwhelmed by the crowds, or who experience mental challenges on the festival site.

Our team will be based in a tent on the festival site every day between 16:00 and 00:00. Please feel free to swing by if you have had an uncomfortable experience and need to speak to someone away from the crowds and the noise. We also encourage you to seek out members of the festival’s Dialogue Team (”Dialogteam” in Danish) if you experience unacceptable behaviour on the festival site.

The Safe & Sound is not meant as a treatment plan, but as a quick breathing-space for those who suddenly need it. We are a competent team of volunteers with relevant professional backgrounds, who are ready with open ears, minds and hearts and patience for everyone who needs it.

Let us work together to create a festival with a focus on safety and each others’ well-being – and let’s not least remember that it is always totally okay to not be okay!

You can find us next to the first aid station in the festival’s entrance area (across from the info booth and the R.I.P. entrance) or seek us out at the festival site – we are the ones in black shirts with the Safe & Sound logo on.