Ticket sales for COPENHELL Camping Sønder Hoved will open on Thursday, October 31 at 10:00. Here you can spend the night in either your own tent, our COPENHELL Tenthouse or in a COPENHELL Cabin right next to the festival site.

These camping spots are traditionally very popular so if you know already now that you can’t be bothered to transport yourself back and forth throughout the festival, or if you want to get a camp going with all of your friends, we encourage you to be ready tomorrow.

Please note that a ticket for COPENHELL’s camping areas will also require a ticket for the festival itself this year as an extra safety measure.

We will not be offering camping areas for own tents at Kløverparken in 2025, as we unfortunately won’t get access to the area that we normally use. We do have access to an alternate area at Kløverparken, which is not suitable for tent camping due to the condition of the ground surface. It will, however, be possible to set up caravans and autocampers here, and we will open up sales of a limited amount of these next week.

Ticket sales for COPENHELL Camping Sønder Hoved will start tomorrow at 10:00 through Ticketmaster.