For the fourth year in a row, COPENHELL opens up the doors to the festival’s geek universe COPENHELL Con, which has been a huge audience favourite with more than 35,000 visitors last year. Aside from activities, markets and shops, the hall contains the festival’s fifth stage, which instead of concert offers exciting, fun and interesting stage shows throughout all four festival days. Here, the audience can come inside and get food for the brain and some good laughs while they enjoy a nice, relaxing oasis away from the wild festival site.
Most of COPENHELL Con’s stage shows will take place in Danish, and among this year’s main acts we find the actors Sven-Ole Thorsen and Erik Holmey, who will talk about their work with the old Arnold classic ‘Conan the Barbarian’, and the astro physicist Anja C. Andersen, who will talk about metal from space together with the hosts from the podcast Rumsnak.
Today, we reveal six new stage shows which are sure to both make you think and laugh:
Have you ever considered why so many people find calm in chaos, strength in screams and meaning in the darkness? Come with us on a journey into the world of music and see how double pedals and growl can serve as a channel to process anger, stress and depression. How lyrics about death, anxiety and existential crises can feel like a comforting hand on your shoulder. Three extraordinary musicians – Ditte Krøyer (Vulvatorious), Kasper Deichmann (St. Digue) and Jakob Møller-Nielsen (Nexø) – will share their personal experiences with mental battles and talk about how the music, the scene and the community have helped them find themselves.
As an introduction, brain researcher Peter Vuust will provide a fascinating insight into the new research on how music affects the brain and the connection between music, health and well-being.
Organized by: PsykInfo, Informations- og rådgivningscenter, Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri
Great hair and metal music go hand in leather vest-clad arm. Through time, we have seen lots of room for experimentation with both hair height, shape and length, from mullets to big curls and mohawks to long headbanger hair. It has been a symbol of counter-culture, rebellion and freedom, and it has been used to shock and provoke mainstream society and its norms. Therefore, it is about that time that COPENHELL Con takes a look at the most iconic heavy metal hair through time when we award the most iconic heavy hair ever together with the haircutters Bobby Ågren from Ruben and Bobby’s hair salons and Anja Jargil from Lush Lounge. Here, we will examine both hair’s importance in metal and look at various hair trends through time – and we encourage the audience to swing by and show their very best heavy hair!
A witch, a metal musician and artist walk into a bar – or in this connection, on to the COPENHELL Con stage. Practising witch Mai Sydendal (GORILLA ANGREB), guitarist and songwriter Jesper Myrup Andersen (TROLD) and artist Rose Eken, who has created the Diana sculpture for COPENHELL, will meet in a true witch circle together with stage hos Maria Østerby Elleby, who is also a witch researcher. They will cover everything from folklore and myths to magic and horror when they discuss why we love the witch in all of its incarnations. What does it mean to be a witch? How important is the witch to the three artists and their art? How metal is the witch?
Your half-cousin is found killed in his country house, wearing a diving suit and with the cocoon of a two-coloured moth in his mouth. Who would you rather see try to solve the murder? Will you send a letter to Baker Street, or will you light up a bat signal from the highest building in the city? In this quiz battle, the smartest Sherlock Holmes fans and the brightest bat fans will show their knowledge about the greatest detectives in history. On the Sherlock Holmes team we have Christian Monggard and Nanna Rørdam Knudsen, and on the Batman team we find ‘Marvel’ Morten Søndergaard and Dennis Jacob Hess Rosenfeld.
Androids, flying cars, teleporters and hover boards – old science fiction stories are full of technological ideas about the future. However, not everyone has managed to predict our current reality… yet. The academic sci-fi geeks Damkjær, associate professor at University of Copenhagen, and Rune Graulund, associate professor at University of Southern Denmark, will take us with them on a journey both back and forward in time and examine how science fiction works have presented the future. How did the creators imagine our technological and societal development? Where were they right, and where were they spectacularly wrong?
The Terminator and the Time Cop will meet in the ultimate battle when COPENHELL Con invites Michael Mühlebach Christiansen, alias Jøden, and film and culture journalist Maria Månson to represent, respectively, The Muscles from Brussels, Jean-Claude van Damme, and The Austrian Oak, Arnold Schwarzenegger in one of COPENHELL Con’s great mash-ups. Will rippling muscles or circle kicks, baby-oiled arms or spandex-clad buttocks achieve victory when these two action movie mastodons meet in an epic mash-up?
See more and get your tickets on this site or in the official COPENHELL-app.